HVAC units
HVAC units

Should Indoor Air Quality Checks Fall Into the Remit of the Health and Safety Team? Making Buildings Covid-Secure.

3 February 2021

Health and Safety teams in offices, big and small, across the UK are accustomed to regular weekly fire alarm tests. And as current fire alarm regulations state that all business premises must have ‘an appropriate fire detection system’.

This means that an outbreak of fire can easily be detected, and occupants can easily be warned. Weekly testing is more of a ‘spot check’. Its purpose is to quickly test that your fire alarm is in working order and help identify any issues.

Why are we, IoT and Big Data specialists concerned with fire alarming testing?

The answer is simple, we need that ethos of regular testing from the health and safety teams to be applied to COVID -secure air quality checks.

COVID compliance isn’t an option, it is a prerequisite for the future of unlocking business in a post and mid pandemic era. Ensuring buildings are COVID-Secure and ready to open for business will get the economy and the health of the nation in the best possible position for physical and financial recovery.

The management of ventilation and indoor air quality (IAQ) has always been a priority for businesses and building occupiers, however, COVID-19 and its contagion via badly managed internal air has escalated the urgent need for stricter measures on IAQ.

Good ventilation, together with social distancing, keeping your workplace clean and frequent handwashing, can all help reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus. However, when it comes to making your workplace COVID-secure during the pandemic and beyond…the simple answer is technology can support this.

As recently reported by EDIE.net “The Government has also announced a consultation on higher performance targets for non-domestic buildings, aiming for them to be zero-carbon ready by 2025 also. Subject to consultation, it is believed that additional ventilation and indoor air quality monitoring will be key requirements for businesses moving forwards. A Future Buildings Standard consultation runs until 13 April 2021.”

Internal Air Quality (IAQ) is becoming more important than ever – we need to hold IAQ in the same regard and rigorous regular testing as fire alarm tests and emergency exit strategies. If we adopt a culture of regular IAQ monitoring tests, health and safety teams can validate with staff that the building is fit for purpose from a wellness and an air quality perspective.

For more information or to find out how the team at CODA can help you, please call us on +44 345 241 2889 or email info@codacloud.io.