Sub-Metering and Data Analytics for Energy Reporting
14 December 2021
CODA is a unique combination of cost-effective monitoring control and data analytics. This cutting-edge system provides sub-metering for buildings and their assets. By connecting to mains meters, distribution boards and individual assets CODA gathers and interprets the collected data to create real-time insights on the energy consumption of the site.
This granular level of detail combines with our digital twin technology to enable energy management or maintenance teams to pinpoint any anomalies in energy consumption. High energy consumption when the site is closed, would indicate some items are running throughout the night unnecessarily wasting energy and money. Spikes in energy consumption could indicate that an asset is not running at its optimum and requires servicing or repair.
In addition to supporting site maintenance, CODA sub-metering can ensure that a building’s energy reporting is as accurate as possible and provides the data required to validate ESG strategies and comply with energy and carbon targets. By creating the fullest possible picture, CODA ensures that a site’s energy reporting provides energy managers and business owners with the kind of granular data that will allow them to make informed and impactful changes.
Traditional energy management software looks at mains metering data and allows period-by-period comparison so that energy managers can measure improvements year on year. The use of degree days calculations makes it possible for this software to factor the weather into energy consumption comparisons.
However, we understand that there are numerous other factors at play that must be taken into consideration to provide businesses with more precise insights into energy improvements and their progress towards their net-zero targets.
We agreed that external temperature can have a significant impact on a building’s energy usage. However, aspects such as staff occupancy, customer movements, number of widgets manufactured and opening hours must also be considered for more accurate energy reporting.
This is particularly relevant when the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the way that many businesses operate. For example, many employees opt to work from home for part of the week, while some companies are now using more extended office or factory hours to facilitate shift working.
Changes like these will impact energy reduction targets, and CODA can factor these alterations into reporting to better understand whether the business is on target and what may be preventing positive change.
If you would like to know more about how CODA can help with your energy metering and reporting requirements, please get in touch with the team at info@codacloud.io or call us on 0345 241 2889.