Sign for disabled toilet
Sign for disabled toilet

Wellbeing and Accessibility – Not Always Obvious Companions but They Should Be.

7 December 2020

Commercial buildings account for 36% of electricity consumption and 18% of all energy – these are not surprising facts! The benefits of energy reduction via IoT can realise a reduction in energy costs by up to 30%, again not a surprising stat.

But, what about wellbeing? Does energy reduction impact the well-being of those within a commercial building? Can a price be put on the benefit of wellbeing and health for staff? These are tough questions and we don’t intend, or even pretend, to be able to answer them all yet, but we do know that there is a link, however vague it might be…

The Well Building Standard is claimed to be the first evidence-based system for measuring, certifying and monitoring building features that impact on health and wellbeing. What does that mean in practice?

Businesses are starting to realise the non-energy benefits that IoT devices can bring to employees within a building such as improved productivity and employee retention. The benefits are not easily quantifiable but the view amongst businesses is that controlling building and equipment operations for wellness is a key consideration as well as energy reduction. Building IoT is much more than operational performance management; it can have a huge impact on the feel-good factor for those working within a building and boost wellness of staff.

When employees are engaged in the power of IoT, they will see the benefits of the technology from their own point of view. Improved environmental impact and financial savings benefit their own lives – when employees recognise this, they will be more invested personally and in return be more in tune with the aims of the organisation.

The CODA device can help work towards the wellness target and also support accessibility initiatives.

Accessibility for flow and speed of commuter travel through railway stations is a key consideration for railway operators, in particular for escalators, lifts and disabled toilets. How people use the stations and platforms is vital information to obtain. This also helps them understand the services available to them, accessibility is a key consideration to the wellbeing of staff and commuters.

Disabled toilets pose a significant access issue. Users at a train station are required to pull a cord if they need assistance, a light then flashes outside the toilet in the hope someone becomes aware of this. This system relies on a station operative noticing as soon as possible and coming to their aid, this could take some time and result in stress and danger to the user.

Similarly, in out of hours (OOHs) a disabled person would require a radio key to unlock a locked disabled toilet. However, should they require assistance and if there is no one on the station OOHs to provide aid then the person could be untended to until the next shift starts.

This is where CODA kicks in, it can alert station staff or in OOHs situations, emergency services, to go to the aid of a person with immediate effect. It’s important to remember that IoT is not just about energy.

Once you have a device like CODA in place for operational and energy efficiency activities, additional bolt-on upgrades such as this can be installed for accessibility and health and safety. CODA is also a completely agile and expandable system because it can grow with a user and flex to a business’s requirements. It is also capable of supporting maintenance and safety, operational performance and energy efficiency.

Automatic doors are also an important consideration, required for better flow of daily travellers that can operate regularly at busy commuter times. This overuse can result in high wear and tear, with a need for additional maintenance and replacement more frequently.

With variable external temperatures and high commuter volumes, CODA ensures the doors remain open for the desired period of time without having any effect on the internal conditions at the station or the energy efficiency. This extends the life cycle of the doors, helps with the wellbeing of commuter flow and time spent at the station accessing in and out through the doors.

For more information or to find out how the team at CODA can help you, please call us on +44 (0)345 241 2889 or email